Centre for Romanian Excellence
September 2021 marks the launch of the Centre for Romanian Excellence, a hub in the heart of Transylvania, that will open its doors to entrepreneurs, creatives, achievers and leaders of industry.
The Centre for Romanian Excellence will host events, throughout the year, that will bring together like-minded people for workshops, focus groups, team building experiences and social events.
Centre for Romanian Excellence
We are pleased to announce that September marks the launch of the Centre for Romanian Excellence, a hub in the heart of Transylvania that will open its doors to entrepreneurs, creatives, achievers and leaders of industry.
The Centre for Romanian Excellence will host events each month, throughout the year, that will bring together like-minded people for workshops, focus groups, team building experiences and social events.
Situated in a village close to the geographical centre of Romania, the Centre for Romanian Excellence will also encourage and support socially responsible activities, with a focus on education and the children that reside in the area.
An inspiring and versatile location, the Centre for Romanian Excellence will be an important point of reference for pioneers and visionaries who value the relationship with their peers in business and the importance of imparting their knowledge to the next generation of Romania’s entrepreneurs.
The Centre for Romanian Excellence recognises that one of the best investments is in children and their development and it is the responsibility of our community to share knowledge and encourage them to follow their dreams and explore their passions.
Our recent experiences at the educational ateliers that have taken place at Jidvei’s Castelul Bethlen-Haller, children in rural areas of the country don’t have access to the information they need to guide them in their career aspirations.
The benefits of becoming a Partner are as follows:
to participate in monthly events, with the opportunity to present to other entrepreneur partners and to join focus groups and to coordinate brainstorming sessions
to promote the Center to all hotels in the area and invite permanently their clients
to visit schools and colleges throughout Ţara Făgăraşului to engage directly with and to help develop the aspirations of local children
to display information and products, where relevant, at the Centre for Romanian Excellence, for the duration of the partnership
to benefit from continuous online promotion via Romanian Excellence and Proud To Be Romanian, including a dedicated profile / link for the duration of the partnership
to feature in monthly video content targeted at our communities via our social media platforms at Proud To Be Romanian (links in landing page footer) and Romanian Excellence
to benefit from cross-partner / sponsor promotion